We are not mothers, but we are making a play about motherhood. The difficult parts that get overlooked. We wanted to do the topic of perinatal depression justice, and hear the stories of people who had experienced it first hand. So we did a workshop. And it was intense.

First we got the amazing Dr Parvinder Shergill on board to faciliate. We knew it was vital to create a safe space with a mental health professional present - Parvinder was perfect because she is not only a NHS doctor, but an all round creative herself. (Go check out her many amazing projects on our ‘the collective’ page!)

We had a few plans for the workshop because we never thought the participants would be so open and willing to share, but we were completely wrong. The women were so generous and open in sharing their experiences that we just sat back, and listened. We had people from Italy, to the USA, but their different time zones and locations didn’t stop them from interacting with one another. It created an amazing space.

For us it was overwhelming - we didn’t realise how needed this conversation was, and how important it is to discuss these topics. We take our work seriously, but this was the first time we felt the magnitude of what we are trying to write about. We heard about the pressure and shame that can come with the idea that you are not doing ‘motherhood’ the right way.

To say that the workshop was ‘inspiring’ feels like it is doing it a disservice somehow. We weren’t really thinking about the script, or our ideas. We were just absorbing the stories we heard - harrowing, funny, sad. We are so so grateful to the amazing strong women who attended. Thank you!


