right left with heels


It's an epic journey spanning over 60 years, told through the eyes of unique pair of narrators - a right shoe and a left shoe. They were custom-made for Magda Goebbels, the wife of the Nazi propaganda minister and a true First Lady for the Nazi movement.  Victory for the Western Allies meant the end of Magda Goebbels, but for our shoes this is just the beginning of their journey. 

At the post-war Nuremberg trials they are sentenced to exile for their contribution to 'the extermination of a nation', and are forced East. Over many tumultuous years they are worn down on the feet of some very different owners: a female Red Army soldier Sveta, whose spoils of war they become; the Doctor’s wife who denounced a Jewish woman; Teresa, a secret police interrogator; Magda, an anti-Soviet Solidarity movement activist who broke under questioning during martial law and finally Krystian, a modern day drag queen. The shoes cannot help but comment on some alarming human interactions taking place in a supposedly glorious and newly 'united' Europe, whilst slowly disintegrating themselves. 

Our realization of the play aims to make it impossible to avoid the never-ending issue of responsibility.  The questions it raises about blame reveal shocking individual guilt and wickedness. Do we feel accountable for the actions of our nations? Should we? 

The surreal concept of having a pair of shoes condemned for the crimes of an evil Nazi regime reflects the ease with which we can disconnect ourselves from world events every single day. But the tables are turned when these unexpected voices get to tell their own story – what is the price of looking the other way and laying the blame elsewhere?

Written by I Sebastian Majewski

Directed by I Rasa Niurkaite

Performed by I Rosa French & Francesca Isherwood

Music by I Connor McLean

Photography by I Liza Heinrichs, Tomas Luksys
